Sunday, August 5

Another random quiz found on Tumblr

1. Last beverage : Sweet potato soup
2. Last phone call : I didn't receive any phone calls today. lol #foreveralone
3. Last text message: To my class' WhatsApp group
4. Last song you listened to: One More Time, One More Chance - Masayoshi Yamazaki
5. Last time you cried: Yesterday (brim)


6. Got back with someone you’ve broken up with: Never been in a relationship
7. Been cheated on: -
8. Kissed someone & regretted it : Never kissed before
9. Lost someone special: Yeah, who doesn't?
10. Been depressed: Not really.
11. Been drunk and thrown up: Didn't throw up.


12. Blue
13. Pink
14. Orange


15. Made a new friend: Yeah quite a lot this year since I entered a new school
16. Fallen out of love: Yeah
17. Laughed until you cried : Yup!
18. Met someone who changed you : Yeah.
19. Found out who your true friends were: Yep.
20: Found out someone was talking about you: Good, yes. Bad, yes.
21: Kissed anyone on your Facebook friend’s list: Siblings.
22: How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Like 70% or so
23: How many kids do you want: 3 or 4 C:
24: Do you have any pets?: Yup, Brownie my bunny.
25: Do you want to change your name?: Nah, just wished that I had an English name.
26: What did you do for your last birthday:  Watched a rated movie legally. Hahahah
 27: What time did you wake up?: Around 11AM+
28: What were you doing at midnight last night?: Browsing thru stuff on my phone
29: Name something you CANNOT wait for: HOLIDAYS! Which is like a month later....
30: Last time you saw your father?: Yesterday
31: What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: I wished I wasn't so fat
32: What are you listening to now: The wind blowing against my room's shutters
33: Have you ever talked to a person named?: Uhhh.. Everybody has a name. Lol.
34: Who is getting on your nerves now?: Some person who doesn't make a single effort to keep in touch.
35: Most visited webpage : Facebook and Twitter
36: What’s your real name?: Wong Wei Yin
37: Nicknames: Natalie, Nat, Nattypoo, Natty, Yinyin
38: Relationship Status: SINGLE.
39: Zodiac Sign: Libra :D
40: Male or female: F
42: Secondary school?: Yuan Ching
43: College/Uni?: Ngee Ann Polytechnic
44: Hair colour: Brown (I didn't dye it, guess it's just a little too dry)
45: Tall or short: Considered tall as compared to my friends I guess.
46: Wut.
47: Do you have a crush on someone?: I'm not sure about my feelings right now.
48: Piercings?: One on each earlobe.
49: Tattoos: Nope.
50: Righty or Lefty: Righty.


52: First surgery: When I was a baby.
53: First piercing : Ear.
54: First best friend: Landai/Claire (:
55: First sport you joined: I don't remember. Cycling? LOL
56: First vacation: Malaysia. (Boring)
57: First pair of trainers: I can't remember.


64: Want kids?: YEAH :3
65: Get married?: YEAHHHH :3
66: Career: Idk, haven't really thought about it.


67: Lips or eyes?: Can I choose both? Lol
68: Hugs or kisses?: Both :3
69: Shorter or taller: Taller!
70: Older or Younger?: Same/older :3
71: Romantic or spontaneous?: Both.
72: Nice stomach or nice arms? Both... Hahahahaha
73: Sensitive or loud?: It's good to be sensitive and loud at times
74: Hook-up or relationship?: Relationship


75: Kissed a stranger?: Nope.
76: Drank hard Liquor: Yup.

77: Lost glasses/contacts?: Nope.
78: Had sex on a first date: Never dated
79: Broken someone’s heart?: I guess so.
80. Been arrested?: No
81: Turned someone down: Yup
82: Cried when someone died: Yeah
83: Fallen for a friend: Yeah


84: Yourself?: 100%
85: Love at first sight: Yup
86: Heaven: Yeah I guess so
87: Santa Claus: No
88: Kiss on the first date?: If they were really close before entering a relationship
89: Angels: Idk
90: God?: Maybe.


91: Had more then 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time?: No
92: Did you sing today?: Yeah!
93: Did something illegal?: Yup. Hahaha
94: If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: I don't see the need.
95: The moment you would choose to relive?: Every beautiful moment I had
96: Are you afraid of falling in love?: Why would I?
97: When was the last time you lied?: Today. lol
98: Are you usually late, early or right on time?: Three of them
99: Would you give your life to save someone else’s?: I would have to see who it is
100: Are you afraid of posting this as 100 truths?: No.

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