Thursday, April 19

What is love?

"How do you know you're in love?
When you suddenly realize that you're thinking of him without you noticing it.
When you take note of his little things without noticing it.
When you start daydreaming about him before you realize it.
When you catch yourself looking at him unknowingly.
When you and him have eye contact with each other, you can't help but flit your eyes away because it feels like your heart is going to explode anytime, any moment.
When he's feeling down, you unknowingly feel down as well.
When he's happy, you unknowingly feel happy too.
You wish that you can grasp him and never ever let him go.
You look at him and feel butterflies in your tummy.
When you see him, you feel like you're the happiest person in the whole wide world.
When all of a sudden your whole world becomes so much brighter and radiant, and you feel like you have become much prettier than before.
When he, unknowingly becomes that person you didn't know would mean so much to you right this instant, you know you're in love."

- Me (

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