Well here's quite an interesting yet disheartening post. I happened to pass by the Crime and Investigation channel, but I didn't have that channel so I recorded this name down. What caught my attention was..
Initially I was purdy eager to find out more but AFTER reading it on Wikipedia.. Holy caw, he was literally a psycho pedophile who eats penises. LMAO. Anyways, moving on....
Cannibal's Biography:
Name: Armin Meiwes (Ar-meen-my-vas)
Country: Germany
Age: Currently 48
Sex: Male
Alive: Surprisingly, yes!
Is he ugly: Yes. LMFAO
Below's his picture. He looks so pervertic to me!

Literally, Armin posted some personal advertisement on a random website, stating "looking for a well-built 21-40 year old to be slaughtered, and then, consumed. (EW)" Tonnes of people replied to his advertisement but finally backed out, only this man below, Bernd Brandes, this stupid moron (LOL), gained interest and agreed to be the willing victim to be consumed!

This incident happened in 2001. The two of them met in Armin's house, and made a videotape for the whole process. But it isn't public of course. LMAO.
Following, Armin amputated Brandes' penis, and left Brandes bleeding there. They attempted to eat the penis together before murdering Brandes. Brandes insisted that Armin attempt to bite his penis off. But no, though Armin was able to burst Brandes' testes by biting them.. Ew -.-
Brandes tried to eat a bit of his penis raw, but said it was too tough, and "chewy". What, does he think his penis' some gummy? LOL. Armin then pan-fried the penis with salt, wine, pepper and garlic, but couldn't eat it because it was over-burnt. So he fed it to his poor doggy D:
According to the journalists, they said that Brandes was bleeding too much and he was too weak to consume his own penis. Armin read a book, Star Trek, for 3 hours, while Brandes was left bleeding in the bath tub. (Below's the actual bath tub x.x) Apparently, Armin gave Brandes 20 sleeping pills and large amounts of alcohol, and a bottle of beverage, and finally SLAUGHTERED him in a room for that purpose, the Slaughtering Room. (EW AT THE BELOW PICTUREEEE)

He also stored parts of the remaining body in the freezer, until in 2002, a college student reported the advertisements to the police, and they tracked down Armin Meiwes.

Below's the cage where he kept his victims!

And he used the hook below to hang his victims.

Below's the past conversations between the both of them on the internet.
VICTIM: "What will you do with my brain?"
CANNIBAL: "I'll leave it, I don't want to split your skull."
VICTIM: "Better bury it, preferably in a cemetery; nobody notices skulls there. Or maybe pulverise it?"
CANNIBAL: "We have a nice small cemetery here."
VICTIM: "You could use it as an ashtray."
VICTIM: "Are you a smoker?"
CANNIBAL: "Yes, but my teeth are still pretty white."
VICTIM: "That's good, I smoke, too. I hope you like smoked meat."
CANNIBAL: "Just bring yourself for breakfast."
Find out more at Wikipedia, and http://www.francesfarmersrevenge.com/stuff/serialkillers/meiwes.htm! :D
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