Hiya! Has been quite awhile since I posted. Well practically there isn't anything to post about so... Yeah. Life's been quite a bore but so far so good. :D You see, I don't even know what to type now.. LOL.
So yeah, went out with Camelia, Jy, and Waddy yesterday to catch Inception at Lido. It was uhhh, good, but not THAT good. I didn't really get it at the start, but when you watch it you'd gradually understand what the hell are they talking about. You'll see what I mean when you watch the movie. I have tonnes of movie I wanna watch! Like, Pope Joan, and Vampires Suck.
Speaking of vampires, what the hell is up with the vampire trend recently? I don't get it, LMFAO. I don't see what's so good in vampires, unless they're cute, but they're not. So man, wake up to reality and you'd realise vampires don't even exist. Okayyy.. Maybe vampire bats.. But who cares? LOL. Below is the trailers of Vampires Suck! I am so gonna catch it :D
And also, I happened to notice an awesome new version of Smelyalata - Nevershoutnever! It sounds so friggin sweet. I loved the starting. You MUST listen to it. :D
Ayeeee, the sight of Chris brightens up my day :3 He is my favorite. I love him so muchhhhh. :D Stuff whoever that finds him weird. He is such an inspirational person. I'd kill 10 sharks to meet him in real life. Maaannn.. I gotta travel to America someday.. >_> There's so many people I friggin wanna meet. I swear I'm gonna hug Chris when I see him ♥
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