Happy Birthday Camelia and Jasmine! (L)(L)
Frick yesterday was the best day ever. Dayum. It was totally awesomeness. Let me tell you more about it, dude. :)

Yeah and off we went to the...
Yeah, the Singapore Flyer. I think it's the largest ferris wheel in the world, I don't know. Or something close to that. But whatever, who cares? :D LOL. On the way, we took some pictures again :D

Finally, we reached the Singapore Flyer. WOOOOOOT. It was bee-you-tee-full. Saw tonnes of hot caucasians over there (L) This is the close up of one of the cabins.
We had to take a picture of us all, but no one was around so there came Emma, our new friend! I think she's from Britain though, hearing her awesome accent. :D So, Emma helped us take a group photo. Dudeeee she's cool :)
In the flyer. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. It feels GREAT. The first time I've been in a REAL ferris wheel! When I was young, I attended funfairs, and they were noob. But this is the real stuff, no fakes :D

I look funny, LOOOOOOOOL. Behind me's the Marina Bay Sands building! :D And some construction work going on. LOL.

With some random Arabic (?) woman. LOL

We waved to the people in the cabin behind of us! :D And I reckon this guy below looks a bit like Eun Jiwon. HAHAHAHAHA. Nice sense of humor he's got. :D

After a ride on the Singapore Flyer, we went downstairs to have Popeyes' Chicken and Biscuits! Dudeeee it was awesome :) DAYUM. Just look at the fried chicken. -Slurps-

After the meal, we went to this place next to the flyer building, I don't know what it was, but it shore was nice. So we took lotsa pictures again. :D When the ducktours' buses came past us, we even waved to the caucasians! (L) :D

Jy the thousand-handed Buddha. :D

Us on the grassy plains. I remember Camelia's hand had mud/poop whatever it was stuck on her hand, and she rubbed her hand against the pillar. LOOOOOOOL

In the toilet. :D

Another group photo and some random shop, I think it was the Gelatissimo, the Italian ice-cream shop. :D Me looking totally solemn shit.

Camelia and I acted like we're from China. LOOOOL. No offence but HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAaaaa. Eye hoop wei can bwe fwans foe-eh-wah! Sank you eh-ver-ree-buddy! HAAAAAAAAa.
Jy and Camelia on the escalators. :D
If you wanna watch it, please log in to Facebook before clicking the link below!

If you wanna listen to it, remember to log into Facebook before clickin!

Another incident, which was FUNNY SHIT.
After the Sampan boat ride, Camelia and me wanted to check Epicentre out. So we wanted to check out the iPad. At first we didn't know know there were glass barriers, and we started walking towards the iPad. Then, I stopped with a jolt. LOOOOL. CAMELIA DIDN'T REALISE THERE WERE GLASS BARRIERS, AND SHE KNOCKED INTO THE GLASS BARRIERS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. DUDE. She was like "Wtf happened?" LOOOOOOL. We were laughin the shit outta us for like 5 whole minutes. LMFAO.
After that, it was about time to go home. Waddy, Jy, and Nicole walked really fast so we cbf to catch up with them. So me, Camelia, and Jasmine ventured around the area within the Marina Bay Sands. There tonnes of coconut trees so me and Camelia played around with it :P LOOOOL. We were acting like the Indians in Tamil dramas, y'know where they hide behind the coconut trees, left and right? LOOOOL.
After that, we took the train home. It was already around 8PM so Nicole and Jasmine went home first. I reckon they have their curfews. But me, Waddy, and Jy don't. So we went to Camelia's void deck for the plan of the day! We were gonna smash the cake in Camelia's face but she was too smart, and instead Jy got smashed in her face, her hair, and her clothes. LMFAOOOOO.
Then, Jy and Camelia went upstairs to wash up while me and Waddy waited downstairs. And then Camelia brought Lavis (dog) downstairs! :D He was really cute, only that he peed whenever he walked around. LOL. Then at around 9, we went home. :) What a long day it was, dude. BUT IT WAS AWESOME. (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)
I love my friends (L) (:
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